Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Pokhara, NEPAL

Pokhara is a remarkable and beautiful place of natural beauty. Situated at Associate in Nursing altitude of 827m from the ocean level and 200km west of Kathmandu vale, the city is understood as a middle of journey. The enchanting town with a population of around ninety five,000 has several lovely lakes and offers beautiful panaromic views of chain of mountains peaks.
The serenity of lakes Associate in Nursingd the magnificence of the Himalayas rising behind them produce an atmosphere of peace and magic. So these days the town has not solely become the place to begin for many standard trekking and rafting destinations however conjointly an area to relax and revel in the wonder of nature. Pokhara is part of a once spirited trade route extending between Bharat and Asian country. To this day, mule trains can be seen camped on the outskirts of the city, bringing product to trade from remote regions of the Himalaya. This is the land of Magars and Gurungs, hardworking farmers and brave  warriors UN agency have earned  worldwide fame as Gurkha troopers. The Thakalis, another important ethnic cluster here, are acknowledged for their entrepreneurship. 
The climate of Pokhara is slightly warmer than Kathmandu around fifteen degrees astronomer in winter and thirty five degrees in summer. The monsoon season which lasts from period of time to time period is terribly wet; actually Pokhara records the best rain within the country. Best time to visit is between October and Apr. 
The activities of foreign visitors to Pokhara focus around 2 districts acknowledged as Damside and shore (or Pardi and Baidam, in Nepali, respectively). 

Some Beautiful Places in Pokhara

  • Phewa Tal (Lake) 

Phewa lake, the second largest lake in the kingdom, roughly measuring one.5 klick by four klick, is the center of all attractions in Pokhara. The enchanting lake is Associate in Nursing idyllic playground. Brightly painted picket boats and sailboats will be rented on cheap value around shore.
The lake is too deep (roughly 47 meters at most) nor particulary clean, but the water is heat and swimming is pleasant if you do not place confidence in the probable pollution. 
The eastern boundary of the lake, popularly known as shore or Baidam, consistsof lodges, restaurants, bookshops and souvenir outlets. One of the fascinating parts of shore is that the splendid read of the mountains, especially once the still water reflects the peaks, creating a double image.

  • Begnas lake and Rupa lake

The lakes are placed regarding 15km from Pokhara at the finish of a road that turns north from the road to Kathmandu. Divided by the forested hummock known as Panchabhaiya Danda, the lakes offer the excellent nature. Boating and fishing is done there. 

  • World Peace Pagoda

The pagoda is a huge Buddhist stupa and is settled on prime of a hill on the southern shore of Phewa lake. Besides being an spectacular sight in itself, the shrine is a great viewpoint that offers spectacular views of the Annapurna vary and Pokhara town. By boat you can  cross the lake then hiking up Hill.


  • Devi's Fall 

Locally known as Patale Chhango (Hell's Fall), But actually known as Devi's fall (also known as Devin's or David's) is Associate in Nursing awful body of water lying regarding two klick south-west of Pokhara flying field on the road to Tansen. An fascinating trendy legend says that a foreigner named David was skinny dipping within the Pardi Khola (river) once the floodgates of the dam were opened.

  • Mahendra Gupha

Mahendra Gufa, locally known as Chamero Odhaar (House of Bats). Its too dark there so we need torch to see.It is the large stone cave in Nepal.

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