Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Boudhanath, NEPAL

Boudhanath Stupa is the largest stupa in Nepal and also the holiest Asian nationan Buddhist temple outside Tibet. It is the middle of Tibetan culture in Kathmandu and made in Buddhist symbolism. The stupa is located within the city of place called Boudha, on the eastern outskirts of Katmandu.
Bodnath was probably designed in the ordinal century when the Mughal invasions; varied attention-grabbing legends ar told relating to the explanations for its construction. After there are arrival of thousands of Tibetans following the 1959 Chinese invasion, the temple has become one of the foremost important centers of Buddhism. 

Today it remains associate degree vital place of journey and meditation for Tibetan Buddhists and native Nepalis, as well as a well-liked tourist website.
From above, Bodnath Stupa looks like a large pattern, or diagram of the Buddhist cosmos. 
There are different symbolic numbers here as well: the 9 levels of Boudhanath Stupa represent the legendary At the bottom, the stupa is surrounded by associate degree irregular 16-sided wal.  Boudhanath, whose 108 forms are delineate in sculptures around the base. The mantra of Bodhisattva - Om Mani Padme Hum - is lapidarian on the prayer wheels beside the pictures of Avalokiteshvara round the base of the stupa.

The base of the stupa consists of three giant platforms, decreasing in size. 
Next come 2 circular plinths supporting the hemisphere of the stupa, symbolizing water. Buddha eyes on all four sides.
Instead of a nose could be a question-mark-type symbol that's really the Nepali character for the amount one, symbolizing unity and the a technique to achieve enlightenment—through the Buddha's teachings. Above this is the receptor, symbolizing the knowledge of the Buddha.

The square tower is flat-top by a pyramid with thirteen steps, representing the ladder to enlightenment. The triangular shape is the abstract type for the component of fireplace. At the top of the tower could be a gilded cover, the embodiment of air, with above it a gilded tower, symbolic of ether and the Buddha Vairocana. 

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